
OPEN for NEW commissions!!!


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* OPEN for NEW commissions!!! * Ask Us how *

About the artist

When he's not busy wrangling his little ones, our artist here takes a break from fatherhood to dabble in mad science and artistry!

Picture this: a canvas that's not just a canvas; it's a touchdown Time Machine for the most epic sports moments ever seen. From slam dunks that defy gravity to touchdown dances that rival the best TikTok moves, our artist captures the adrenaline, the sweat, and the glory of the sports world like no one else.

But that's just the beginning! Dive headfirst into the bubbling cauldron of nostalgia with Pierick’s dunk-contest pieces, mixing the iconic dunks we all know -and still love- from the 80’s and 90’s with crowds made up of the pop-culture icons and moments that were popular during the time. Our artist knows their way around iconic movie scenes, legendary musicians, and cult-classic characters – each one transformed into an art piece that's sure to make you smile, cringe, or burst into spontaneous laughter.

So, whether you're a sports fanatic, a pop culture connoisseur, or just someone who wants to relive the glory days of their youth, this is the art you never knew you needed. Prepare to be amused, bemused, and maybe a little confused – buckle up, throw on your slap bracelets, and prepare to get dunked into a world where sports and pop culture collide in a glorious explosion of irreverence.

To keep up with my latest project or to request a quote, check out our Blog and follow @piericksmithart on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest.